Month: August 2023

July Trip 2023

Claire and I blasted off from the Dog River Yacht Basin Tuesday morning, with our destination being Tim’s slip at Lulu’s.

We got there around 4, and relaxed with cocktails after we arrived and again later that evening. It was crazy hot outside, and we really hid in the shade.

The next day was a long haul to Destin harbor to meet Tim & Trish and Rob & Bea. They had been there a couple days riding out the daily thunderstorms. I had a vibration at 1700rpm and dove under the boat to check the prop. Although it was painted with bottom paint, it was covered in barnicles from less than two months in the water. Took me awhile but I finally got it clean and the vibration disappeared.

We had a relaxing dinner and drinks at a local eatery, we then turned in for the night. Destin harbor has nightly booze cruises, so it’s like anchoring in a parking lot with teenagers. Not really relaxing.

We met Danny and Rosie at a cajun restaurant where they were staying. We loaded them and their daughter’s family for a dolphin tour while dodging thunderstorms. Was also first time I have run aground…ever.

The next day Tim left early for their new destination and Rob followed a couple hours later. Claire and I pulled anchor and went to Blue Water Marina in Niceville. A cool local marina with a resturant and bar, that gets busy. Attached are day and night pictures. Good relaxing people watching. We have always tied up at the same slip.

While there I looked closely at an old GB 36 Europa. It has definitely been used and not yet restored. A couple things caught my eye. The side rail gate was farther forward than ours, next to the helm door.

Also the window moulding was canted at an extreme angle compared to all others. Maybe a solution for water drainage. This old gal had what looked like kerosine lamps inside.

After two days we left and met Tim and Trish at a sand bar anchorage behind marker 50 on the ICW. A quiet place where we rode out several thunderstorms. Tim and Trish had happy hour floating behind their boat.

Then we headed to Navarre Beach. A cool little beach bar and restaurant called Juanita’s had hard bodies playing beach volleyball along with lots of eye candy. Didn’t take any pictures, just looked..

Kite surfers we’re going at it as the thunderstorms approached. We saw 40+ winds for awile.

We then motored to Pensacola and stayed at what is left of Palafax Marina. We came in together, and side tied along the outer wall.

Good spot for walking into town in crazy heat. This little bird, a Green Heron, according to my mother, loved sitting on my stern line. Never have seen one before.

Tim and Trish chose to stay another night, but Claire and I headed back toward Lulu’s. Our plan was to anchor behind Pirate’s Cove for a night, but we chose to tie up and get a good night’s sleep.

Next day we made the four hour run back home, after having breakfast with John. Can’t believe his wife did not get up at seven and join us.